Six Flowers that will attract hummingbirds to your garden
When there’s a hummingbird sighting, it brings happiness and excitement and some even consider it a sign of luck. So, let’s plan out our gardens with plants that will bring more joy and provide more food for our little buddies.

I don’t know if you’re the same as me but I find more accomplishment in hummingbird visits when they find a flower they love vs feeders. Hummingbird feeders are a great supplement to our tiny but mighty friends but it has been found that hummingbirds prefer flowering plants over feeders when given the choice. (Project FeederWatch explains that flower nectar has between 22-26% sugar concentration compared to feeders that have 20% - this means more food energy).
The main flower characteristic that hummingbirds are attracted to is bright colors. Reds and oranges are the major colors you’ll see them feeding on, but I’ve also seen them go to purple quite a bit too. A little bonus, as they feed, they’re also helping pollinate,
Here’s my short list of native (or naturalized) plants that I have seen bring in many hummingbird visits. I will never recommend aggressive introduced plants.

#1 Bee Balm
Bloom Color - Lavender, Pink, Rose
Bloom Time - May - July
Height - Up to 4 feet
Full Sun to Light Shade
Spreads by Rhizomes - divide every 2-3 years
Zone 3 - 9
#2 - Wild Columbine
Bloom Color - Red, Yellow, Blue, White
Bloom Time - Late Spring to Early Summer
Height - up to 3 feet
Prefers Full Sun but Part Shade they still thrive
Easily Self Seeds
Zone 3 - 9
"The hummingbird is a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible. It will teach you how to find the miracle of joyful living from your own life circumstances."
- Ted Andrews
#3 - Bleeding Heart
Bloom Color - Pink and White
Bloom Time - Early Spring
Height - Up to 3 feet
Part Shade
Spreads by Seeds near the mother plant
Zone 3 - 9
#4 - Coral Bells
Bloom Color - Coral, Red, White, Pink
Bloom Time - Late Spring to Mid Summer
Height - 1 foot
Part Shade
Does not easily self seed or spread
Zone 4 - 9

#5 - Jewelweed
Bloom Color - Orange
Bloom Time - Late Spring to Early Fall
Height - 2 - 5 feet
Prefers Part Shade but can still thrive in Full Sun
Easily Self Seeds
Zone 3 - 10
#6 - Cardinal Flower
Color - Red
Bloom Time - Late Summer through Early Fall
Height - 2 Feet
Part Shade to Shade - but can survive in full Sun
Easily Self Seeds
Zone 3 - 9